ColonicsLady.com Newsletter
It is December 15, 2010, and I would like to share this story with you. You may notice in the photographs that the pictures look very different. The reason for these photographs is this. Before the Nashville flood that occurred in the end of April into May, my life was in a "waiting upon the Lord" state for about three years. Patience is of course, the most challenging thing for me personally! Of course, one of the main threads running through our lives of learning and evolution will always be learning patience at every level. So it would be a very true and a honest statement to say that I looked like I was ready to blow my top off, by this point in time. Excess weight is always due to stress no matter how you slice it. Especially for me because I take exceptional care of myself and exercise extremely faithfully, so why would I be overweight? So if you look at my pictures before the flood, I looked stressed to the max, and I deserved to be, because the drastic situations in my life, were a never ending saga, as I was leaving one life, and being obviously ushered into the next!
Through the flood and the months that were to follow as well, we all here in Nashville had NO idea what we were in for! Everybody shared common tragedies, but everybody's choices and decisions were based on their individual survival needs! It was truly a disaster just like Katrina, but without the news coverage. Why? In addition to the tragic 29 deaths, there really should have been thousands of deaths! I have never and DONOT ever wish to experience this ever again in my lifetime. I am very sure every single person, even the ones that witness and helped, but did not get flooded would agree to this.
With cell phones out and almost everybody’s utilities out for who even knew how long, we were doing work drills that you would have only seen on a TV movie of a war zone or disaster zone. People pulling people and beloved animals out of flooded homes, cars, business, highways, etc. you get this picture. And then the realization that we had no homes and what is next! The tearing down of what was left of our homes, if there even was anything left. And everybody that went through the flood were the only ones available for the next step, which was to save the homes!
My scenario was that I was leaving my home. I had exactly $1,000.00 in my pocket and to my name. My furniture was not touched and that is what I sold for money. Oh yes, I had two cats and 2 nine year old Great Danes. We were on a thirteen acre farm, with nowhere to go! People were leaving the city like Nazi Germany and leaving their pets too. I had my utilities disconnected immediately, and stayed at the farm from May 1st, until approximately June 22nd. I packed my belongings and took them to a storage bin on loan, and took most of my possessions to the goodwill, churches or the garbage. I had a weekend moving sale on Father's day weekend. The summer by June was getting hotter than ever. The dogs and myself were getting heat stroke. The Farm Pet Resort helped me by taking George and Gracie in for the daytime for 2 weeks, so I could take care of moving and lining up a new life, whatever that would be. The nights at the farm were cool enough to be there, but the mold from the flooding was starting to get to be too much for us. Finally someone offered a condominium to us, so we would be able to rest and have air conditioning and utilities. This was like heaven. I lined up an apartment with Fema money by July 1st. The next adjustment was challenging also, were we going to be able to live in an apartment 2 cats, 2 Great Danes and me? Well my dogs were guard dogs and the dogs would kill my cats, so we were constantly in an adrenalin rush. My health was going fast! My lead dog, Gracie had had a health issue for approximately 8 months previously that was only getting worse. The dogs were so unhappy, unable to run and play in the great space that they were very accustomed to. So finally by Friday, September 24th, I had to put Gracie down, the saddest day of my life. Full well knowing that Great Danes are bonded, which meant George would not last long. He knew by Sunday, That Gracie was gone, and on Monday, the 27th, his health just changed drastically, and I had him put down also. So our nine years of great family and friendship was now over. I missed them dearly and hoped I could make the adjustment myself! I was down to one cat, my other very best friend, Gertrude.
My health was needing great attention and as always I proceeded to obtain what was needed for my healing to begin. Rest and peace were returning after having trauma removed from my person. Next in the month of November, I decided to get up on my colonic table, do thirty colonics in a row, and throw in several gallbladder and liver flushes in order to regenerate back on the linear line, two years. In other wards any trauma, parasites or solvents that I had inadvertently picked up through all this confusion would be downloaded pretty fast, which would absolutely contribute to a much faster recovery. God is good! Of course, I also confessed my past sins to God Almighty as my redemptive work aligned myself back with my Heavenly Father once more! It sure felt good getting back home with my unconditionally loving daddy!
So as you view these pictures, you can literally see the changes in my face.
The glands in the neck area downloaded the mold, stress and whatever else with the help of bowel and tissue cleansing with colonics. My organs were detoxing and re-hydrating which meant that they were coming out of stress also. This showed up in the windows of the eyes, around my pupil, and once again my eyes were very round and opened. My skin was hydrated and very supple once again. My peace was returning as I rested daily.
I just wanted to share with you the beautiful gifts of knowledge that I have had the privilege of learning and practicing on myself for over 25 years. I always remain thankful and it is my wish as always to teach others how to practice in simplicity the Principle of Stewardship, particularly in the health and hygienic category.
Please take care of yourself, this is your responsibility and privilege. The information on my website will help guide you to a new paradigm for living simply abundantly, for REAL.
In His Service, I Love You,
Debora Lee Meehan