Wednesday, January 26, 2011
HOT TIPS for detoxing!
Hey just remember this. It is very simple logic or common sense when it comes to the digestive tract. Put the food in, the food digests and feeds the body what it needs, and then the waste exits. This needs to happen without interruption. That is the catch. 1 major interruption is the large amounts of solvents that are ingested from many sources that we are involved with on a daily basis. Solvents disrupt the process of food distribution and assimilation. The solvents will destroy the small hair like parts of the small intestines which does this job, so no matter how well you are eating, the nutrition will be restricted and therefore your body does become depleated of the fine nutrition that you thought you were getting. Could this be why you are always wondering, "why is it that I do all the right things and I still feel like sh.......!" may be. I've seen colonics pull chemicals out of the body, therefore the nutrition does get utilized very well. I've experienced this wonderful shift personally many times, when I inadvertently poisoned myself, because I just didn't understand what kind of jungle was out there! Thank God I utilized a tool like colonics, to pull that volume of solvents out from the liver, so I did not have to manifest dis-ease just because of ignorance! Are we not so lucky to have this choice and opportunity! Hey, check out my website for simple information. Become more educated in simple internal hygiene which shows up in our external beauty and vibration! 615-662-4888 ask for Debora Lee.