I'm back to work now after 1 year of necessary rest, mourning and grieving as the result of the propelling evolution on this planet Earth over this decade of 2000-2011. Literally walking into a whole new life as many of us have. I will be very happy to be a support at this point, with growth and grounding as there are still adjustments coming. I will begin another book written in conjunction with my latest book, "My Great Danes And Me". What a lovely story which is only one of the aspects coming through this journey of this decade, the flood actually was the door, which brought in the final completion and clearing of many patterns related to the core of my entire life. Thankfully so, and now the inspiration and creativity is working it's way through my life's mission once again. The emphasis in this new book will be, addressing the aspects of my physical health relating to the clearing of these core patterns. I will share how my body broke down through this process of (ego)dying and was reborn into new life with each specific modality's contribution as it support me all the way through the physical process.
It does always come down to the Autonomic nervous system, when it is stress and trama, which will directly affect the digestive system.
Right now in my colonic office, I am once again reminded how drugs and chemicals will shut a human body right down. In an extreme emergency life or death, thank God for the drugs. But somehow the exceptions will always become the rule, even for the non-emergency situations and that is when many people will certainly suffer. The individual always has the right to choose. Unfortunately people have been given way to many options and do not know what to choose. Please understand that your ONLY real option is to self educate, not only with information, but what really works toward restoration of health short and long term.
After 25 years in my field, raising 2 children, now 38 and 30 years old without drugs, cough syrups, or any products from the drug store, we have much experience to share. Colon hydrotherapy is a necessary practice of internal hygiene. It will show what is releasing from the body and the direct connection to what changes will occur simultaneously in the body. A good example would be, dropping garbage on the floor and cleaning it up immediately, now the floor is clean and clear. Simply no mess! We still fail to realize that a 100% organic body cannot exist in a highly polluted lifestyle! What is releasing from a 38 year old body right now having 12 colonics systematically over 16 days is this; XanaX, which is a drug given for stress, so it will relax you. It is a flourescent peachy color when it comes out of the bowel and into the acryllic tube, so it can be seen. All drugs or chemicals will be a flourescent color and have the odor of chemical which will also smell "skunkie". Even if it does not look flourescent, but the smell is chemical, it is certainly chemical!
During the 1990s when doing 8 to 10 colonics per day in my office, people were NOT on legal drugs then, compared to now. We observe the overwhelming drug advertising slapping us in the face everywhere we turn in this culture.
What is being witnessed now is very different from 20 years ago. The pain associated with the release of this particular drug is tremendous, because of the heat involved and the amount of this drug that is being taken. The system and organs shut down when you are using drugs to relieve stress. First of all it will not relieve mental stress simply because the body will be struggling to stay alert in order for the organs and systems to continue functioning, which throws the body into a self preservation mode which is even producing more stress! The digestive tract is shutting down from the chemical, also dehydrating from it's presence. The re-hydrating process occurring during the colonic will allow the drug to exit in large amounts and more comfortably than just having a bowel movement will. It also will help the liver to release the drug faster and in larger volumes, giving the liver more assistance as well as rest. Remember when the bowel is being cleansed anytime, it signals the other organs to cleanse also. If you read my books "The Holy Movement: Matters of the Colon". There is historical documentation of colonics practiced all through out history, they always are referred to as "Hygienic practices of old". Also just stop and think of how organic life was back then and they still needed to do this specific practice in addition to having bowel movements through out the day. This gives us more understanding about the real truth concerning human health, maybe we need to get a better perspective. Remember good hygienic practices may keep us from not requiring nearly as much medical attention. There is a difference and distinction between the two. See your doctor as often as you wish. But it is really you that is responsible for keeping your basic hygiene in order so you do not need medical attention routinely and maybe just for emergencies, like it was in the 1960s, 1970s and even into the 1980s! Remember those days when our water was clean, our foods were locally grown, foods were not processed with poisons, and people were very lean? Many of us do, so lets just remember the simplicity of living once again. Love thyself, Debora Lee Meehan Peace Out!