Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home Unit going in home of 2 autistic boys!!!

Wonderful news for the family of and the 2 autistic boys M & K. after 20+ colonics, the parents have seen such a permanent shift in the boys, that they are ready to take full responsibility for their children, and do realize that what they know needs to be done, they can actually do for their children. It takes a very good integration of several things that are the baseline of necessary things that have to happen to bring them back into wellness. This is the protocol that will work every time. The colon hygienist has to have experienced these healing shifts themselves, before they are brave enough and confident enough to being others through the portal of full restoration. This is why it can be very confusing for very ill people. There are many necessary and good tools and various other things, foods, supplements, etc., but putting it all together is like a symphony of integration! So what we will do is log on this blog weekly their colonics, with highlighted shifts that occur until they have completed the protocol of 15 x 10 = 150 colonics minus 20 already done. We will also, after they are well on their way with the hygienic side of this, take them to the Bio-energy machine to check in on all systems and organs, and then the emotional trauma work will also be done. There doctor met with them last week, he could not believe their appearance or their behavior changes!!!