Monday, January 6, 2014

14th Colonic for N

1/6/14 Coming off a weekend during a 15 series means the body is really ready and has missed the opportunity of that large colonic release for 2 days now, so the body will just flow to catch up with the new level of emptiness that is becoming the new norm, remember they are still having 3 to 5 bowel movements per day! Right now, we are having a huge cold front lasting many days, today 10 below, wind chill, so the bodies here in Nashville are detoxing just from a 25 degree drop in temperature, so any bacteria that was hanging out in your internal body is coming out pretty fast right now! Also at this point of a 15 series especially the manner that this women's bowel just open up so fast, the viruses are downloading abundantly also! Viruses always need a ride into the body(on bacteria), so as we are downloading large quantities of feces, parasites solvents, garbage,(bacteria) etc., you can just imagine what kind of viruses a human body holds inside on continual basis!! When the colonic protocol begins, this Bubonic plaque situation starts downloading out of Pandor's Box!!!I can get a little overwhelming, but the best thing to do is just have your next colonic in a 24 hour period so the viruses and bacteria can leave the body and go into the sewer system in the plumbing where it belongs! You are now free from the harm that it could bring to your body had it gotten an opportunity to stay for any length of time!