Religion has always confused what God has made simple! This is surely a timeless truth. This is evident in every avenue of life. Man's ego changes the truth into lies in every sector. For example; the debt situation in America has possibly happened because the simple truth of living within our means has been replaced with the religious hoop of the illusion of debt, and "why not have it now. you deserve it". Eating simple locally grown foods without pesticides. like we did althrough out history, has been replaced with the religious hoop of fake foods. Jacked up with the chemical version of the organic sugars. colorings and nutritional values. And we accept this "religion" from the intellectual communities that are the so called "experts"! We wonder why everybody is sick. Passing it off as new germs and intellectual jargon that we uneducated ones cannot understand? Some great "Religion" that is being accepted as the truth and Why? We actually are willing to sacrifice ourselves for these erroneous beliefs, as we are being led to slaughter. Maybe it could be fear of what to replace them with. Well for starters, we could reconnect with the truths that have been buried by the religous egos of man. How about a walk-a-bout in the wilderness for about 40 years in a small radius of 11 miles, simply because of confusion, and the unbelief that the creator has made the real version of life simple. I know I've lived seperated from the truth. The only way I've ever been able to get back to a vibrant life is when I chose to reconnect with the simple truths in every facet of my life.
On the Dr. Oz show last week, the subject of autism was being debated. Every thing discussed was thankfully based in the obvious truth that it is connected to the enviornmental elements. Not the "germ theory", so at least we are moving in the right direction now. The immunizations, highly polluted with solvents and poisons in every facet of our lives. and the age of the parents, were the 3 categories. Would the age of the parents be related to the fact the the longer we live, the more polluted the body gets? Therefore the pollution destruction is passed along to the baby. So all these reasons being discussed really are related to the fact that in our human wisdom, we are really just killing ourselves and paying good money for it. And who is making the profit? How have we arrived here? Growing up in the 60s and 70s, there was very little dis-ease, possibly because we still remained in control of our intuition at a very grounded level. We were not yet confused by "religion" in the health sector. Drugs were an exception to the rule, not the rule! So why would the arrival of autism be so disturbing to us, why the confusion? We created it and have allowed ourselves to be confused. The segment in the show was not very long. It was a debate over information that has been debated now for some 15 years or so, at least by the forerunners that were already warning us that the enviornmental poisons were surely affecting us. But we couldn't listen to them, because they are not the certified legal experts. Could this be compared to other situations occurring at this time, like trusting the banking industry to be honest and in their integrity to make choices in their field of expertise that would support everbody's highest interest. The parents of the autistic children on the show were not respected. They absolutely understand why their child is autistic, because they watched the process of it all. They are not satisfied in just debating this. This is confusing and brings no results. At the end of that debate, there was just more confusion and hostility because of the religious efforts of the medical community appearing to be focused and concerned, but still no real solution. Hopefully we'll just settle for managing this new dis-ease, again that will monetarily support the multi-facets of industry! OR............................................................Parents, if you really are disgusted enough and are ready to walk in love and not FEAR from RELIGIOUS health care, you do have options. Some you have already researched. Diet does have a wonderful affect on the body in connection to autism. But there certainly is more. First and foremost, what needs to be understood is this; The body is already polluted to a degree that has affected the brain function, it is already PRESENT! Your options are to leave it there and use manage control, or to remove the cause, which would be the chemicals. If a tree falls and blocks the road, the tree is simply removed and normalcy is restored. I have personally restored my own health as a adult that has experienced heavy metal pollution that resulted in autistic symptoms, I have written books about this experience in 2000 and 2001 after resolving this situation in the late 1990s. Did it ever occur to us that the simple modalities that were practiced in ancient times were created as timeless solutions, just like timeless truth. Not religious health care, but the real hygienic practices that keep the body clear of the constant collection of these harmful things. This way we do not become incapacitated by dis-ase, but instead will receive and live a long life with the quality that our Creator has promised us in Ephesians. If we allow ourselves to be trained up in the truth, and are obedient in those truths, then we will live long on the Earth and it will be well with thee. By the way, Ephesians is the book written to us teaching us the importance of stewardship of the temple, which is caring for the human body. So it is very important to understand what is available for us in truth, in order to receive that truth into our reality. Confusion doesn't exist when your health is restored to full function, it is crystal clear. There does not have to be permission by the experts for you to become really well. I have helped many people return to a vivacious life through organ and tissue cleansing with colonic irrigation. It is simple, easy and very effective. Don't we desire results? We must become brave and courageous and step out of our perceptions of how the answers to our prayer may come to us. Please take time to read my website and my books. Explore other options. Children are strong and recover very quickly. Do not waste precious time and energy. Just remove the cause, don't just live with the symptoms and think that you have to. There is always a way out of the wilderness! Peace Out.