Friday, February 11, 2011
This is the introduction of the testimonies for Colon Hygiene done by individuals that were willing to take the responsibility for their own health!
At this time, my clients that have practiced faithfully the art of organ and tissue cleansing through colonic irrigation, are becoming very interested in sharing their stories. As they contact me over this coming year, we will share the information that will be an inspiring, yet a very honest journey of faithfulness to thyself as the responsibility and accountability of one's health is clearly in ones own hands! They will share how the simple principle of internal cleansing of ones own body is the most important and profound pieces of information given to us since the beginning of time here on this Earth. How our creator created us knowing that we would need to utilize this practice for our highest blessing as we would thoroughly enjoy a very high quality of life for a long period of time. Longevity is key in any facet of life, and quite frankly, if you are not alive anymore, then nothing else in you life really matters, simply because you no longer exist! So hey, isn't your health, the most important thing right now! It is not an expensive endeavor to care for yourself, if you have the simple knowledge and tools to do it. Many people over the years, have installed home colonic units and have been instructed safely and confidently. They didn't think that they could do this for themselves, but as I trained them personally with complete confidence, they decided to take their power back concerning their own daily health. This could also be known as "teaching a man to fish" as opposed to "giving them a fish". The more an individual can do for themselves the better off that person will always be. More power to you! Remember principle supports truth, and any endeavor that is supported in that truth, works. Remember technology cannot replace truth, even if some good things do come from technology sometimes. The next blog will begin our series of testimonials over the last 25 years in this magnificently sacred field of Colon Hygiene!