Sunday, March 24, 2013
4th colonic for A
What starts to happen at this point, once the rectum is staying clear of feces and alot of the superfical feces have been evacuated, the older feces deeper in will need to receive more of the herbal cleansers in order to break up the older hardend feces in order for them to travel out. The old feces are walled off and dry, so between the hydration from each colonic and the herbal cleansers that will break up feces instead of fiber up and bulk them up even more, now the older feces will begin traveling down to exit. This communication is simply beautiful between the individuals commitment to do the protocal and the trust that is being established with the higher self, now the body can safely let the feces go because the colonic will totally remove it outside of the body, so the body doesn't have the obligation to protect itself any longer by storing it. Remember the body works off of protective mechanisms constantly for survival purposes, so doing the clensing in a 2 step fashion is a promise to the body that it will not have to store feces any longer because of obvious work being done. When the body is put under the stress of detoxing so much internally, cellular level, organ level, it is NOT enough to stop at that point, it really is harmful, it is VERY necessary to collectively pull that internal detox outside the body through the anus, with a colonic also systematically. So now we will increase As herbal cleansers so she will do 3 or 4 bowel movements on the toilet each day and also have a very full release on the colonic table, so we can shift her through nicely comfortably and safely. This works very nicely. This 4th colonic was slower and her 5th colonic will be a very full release once again. Remember if all these feces were not inside her bowel they wouldn't come out when we adjust the protocal. If a colon hygienist does not know how to get to the old feces or prime the bowel, then people will think that they have a very clean bowel, but that is not true or they would feel great without health issues, and that is not what I hear from people. It's pretty obvious that we are very ill in this country, when our children are being born ill, because mom and dad are already not well! Pray!