Saturday, March 30, 2013
9th colonic for A........Gallbladder and Liver flush
At this point in the colonic series we like to add the gallbladder and liver flush in. The bowel is pretty much clear at the rectum area and we have emptied most superficial feces and now moving into the older hardened feces. The organs are now picking up on the "law of attraction" energy and are really in a release and cleansing mode just like the bowel now. The gravity effect is in motion, so every organ is really releasing downward into bowel. Cleansing is working at a very deep cellular level also now, all the body is working together. Mind, Body, Soul, Spiritual, Emotional, also the Light body is loving this help to clear and change. The energy of this individual is very different at this point. The release was excellent there were green stones, and chaffie matter. The first G&L flush is basically a little push, I've personally over 25 years have done hundreds and just like cleaning the bowel, as you continue to systematically clean these organs, the cleaning goes deeper each time and the surprises of what is released will be witnessed and observed once again. Anxious to see A's energy tomorrow after her 2nd colonic after the flush, it usually takes 2 colonics to clear the energy completely, it's a draggie like a hangover drag for a day and then the next colonic clears it and you feel fabulous. The liver and gallbladder do so much work for the body, filtering constantly, they really appreciate a good cleansing and break once in a while!