Thursday, May 23, 2013
4th colonic for J
colonic 4. J did a G&L flush last nite. We usually wait until 6 or 7 colonics, but she has done colonics before so her body remembers exactly what is going on. The "letting go" programing is key here. It was a moderate release of small green stones, with greenish yellow water, perfectly downloading from the organs. 1st priority, feces take a back seat right now! Personality does come thru individually & uniquely with bowel and organ cleansing. She is a very grounded and consistent lady full of grace and poise, and that is how her body flies also!!! A little dehydrated from heat and internally needing the hydration, by tomorrow with additional hydration of colonic the bowel will be moving much faster, ready to download all the internal work it has been doing the last several days, busy bees!!!!!