Saturday, May 25, 2013
A's 4th colonic in 5 series
Colonic 4.After running out of herbal cleansers, A decided to take some herbs for liver, which caused her liver to detox a large amount of bacteria/viruses into the bowel, she knows this because she quickly got a common cold, body's defenses when up. If she could have gotten up on the colonic table quickly would have pulled the die-off, or detox right out of bowel, this is why we do systematic colonics. With several days in between,she handled the situation, her body showed her that there was plenty of empty space in the bowel to hold the detox until she got in on the table, instant relief after colonic! Her voice did not have a cold in it, the tone was totally normal, she said that she felt great! I've personally experienced this Divine blessing that Internal Hygiene does provide for us all!! This is an ancient modality that is used in conjunction with the regular BM, this is very necessary for bring the balance back into the body, all organic and natural, just like God intended!!!