Monday, June 10, 2013
11th colonic for J
Colonic 11. J had a very good colonic today. Everything was releasing from old wormie nest, yellowish green matter from Gallbladder and liver area, fresh feces and old feces. Her organs and systems are "rocking"! Now don't think this just happens, she has been faithful all the way thru, systematic colonics, following protocol and adjusting protocol as necessary, 1 great G&L flush, 1/2 a GLflush, which worked also! A Kidney flush also! She has labored and died into the death cycle, once the download or release comes thru, you have a higher quality of life instantly! Remember 1 years worth of old stored garbage leaving the body cavity is a biiiiiiggggg shift! All that is gone for life, next download please! They line up and download over and over again over time until, they no longer are present in the body! Then and only then are you at a high vibration cleanliness, and then the simple and authentic maintenance begins, and that is the simple way to live, a life in moderation! Got to get rid of the "DEBT", the physical body "DEBT" first, then rebuild! Remember you cannot paint over rust, even with the best paint! Remove the rust first, then paint the clean canvas!!!!!! ART! We really only have one vehicle in this lifetime on Earth, that vehicle is your Temple, what are you doing in your life with your vehicle? If you don't have a vehicle you do not get to be here!!