Monday, June 10, 2013

9th colonic for 2 autistic boys

Colonic 9. M again is releasing fabulously, getting into some darker feces. It is obvious that what is coming thru the tube is at least 5 x more than what he ate yesterday, this is why the advantage of doing daily colonics works. We get ahead of what is fresh and get to the deeper feces. Listen this works because if the feces were not stored in there, they would not be coming out especially daily. The task would be done. The only reason even the colon hygiene community doesn't get it is because they do not understand how to go in daily, with HERBAL cleansers in order to soften and prepare the old feces to be released!!! So the colonics they give the client does not release daily! That is all, the only piece that is missing! Go outside the box in your thinking and it works very successfully. Be a rule rut breaker just like Einstein, he could not function within the system, they knew it, but he still received all the famous discoveries when he went outside the box, and as we witness the system absolutely utilized the benefits of his discoveries, without their blessing! Anyway K did very good also, there again 5 x the amount of food eaten the previous day, then at the end he released all around the scope and it had the odor of chemical. So we know the chemicals are beginning to release in deep caverns of his body. Consistency, faithfulness until the results are evident! The b--line of cause to effect!!!! It is obvious that we do not want to know the truth, therefore we will not have to do the real work in order to gain the total restoration, not just a shift, but many shifts that total the restoration! America has become extremely lazy, that is because they are sick inside and apathetic, just like the programming has set us up for!!!!!! No Worries GODS WILL, WILL BE DONE!