Wednesday, December 18, 2013
8th Colonic for T
12/18/13 T decided to do a Gallbladder and Liver Flush, fantastic, great momentum, all green and yellow, no poop, poop takes a back seat to the priority of the liver and gallbladder release. All in "DIVINE ORDER", Perfection as God design it. Tomorrow's colonic will bring in the full grounding of the flush, and T will shift into a new place! Baby steps out of dis-ease, and into better health. Removing the corruption that is connected with the habitual practicing of the errors, is what will open up the space, making room for the higher vibrating practicing to come in, therefore a higher standard and quality of life enters into life, The law of attraction. Awh STEWARDSHIP OF THE TEMPLE AT IT'S FINEST! Dimensional living!