Wednesday, December 18, 2013
15 series with a 40 year women, "N"
12/16/13 N is a very wise young female. Like so many her age pooping 2 times a month more or less is the worst of her problems, and it is NOT good! It NEVER ceases to amaze me how little pooping, a very large percentage of the population does not do daily! So we got her pooping in 48 hours very nicely! Now she will become educated an empowered with the knowledge that will keep her digestive tract in full movement all the time. That is our job isn't it, to make sure our bodies are working correctly? Her first colonic 12/16, the release was many very hard balls of feces. Colonic #2, after ingesting some very good herbal cleansers (upper GI stimulates lower GI, N's 2nd colonic released sludge already, indicating that her feces were already breaking down so the body could release them. 12/18, 3rd colonic. N is pooping in morning and after colonic, the goal is to get her body to have a full release during colonic and also 3 to 5 bowel movements on the toilet per day and then she is sailing. We still have the margin gap that will fill in during the next week. She is taking iodine and Alive minerals and vitamins, liquid! 3rd colonic, the release was moderate with consistent movement and the cecum emptied! That is not common, but will happen when peoples bowels are in great shape, and strong!!!! She has not had children, so she still possesses a good amount of her nutrition that the babies usually secure(steal) from mother! Moms do not understand that it is necessary to replenish it!