Monday, February 3, 2014
15th Colonic for D
2/3/14 Super 15 colonics. D used the word gloomy several times like "her colonics were gloomy", when people use very descriptive adjectives instantly when speaking, they are "in the moment" speaking their truth for their body. People will tell you everything you could want to know in the tiniest little conversations that are so necessary! If the time for chat is missed in my office, then I've missed out on the information that is so vital in the charting cycle that is daily done here in the office visit. The fast past texting and e-mailing is missing the "art of listening to the higher self" conversation. I NEED to hear the voice of MY Client! Intimacy is lost without the voice and word exchange! A Wonderful client and a Real Life Living individual! I pray to God to keep this avenue of communicating alive and well during every moment of everyone's day!