Wednesday, February 12, 2014
2nd 15 series with D, #1
2/12/14 1st colonic was moderate, her body pooped all night long, because the colonic was not being done for 7 days. (I was on vacation) So what we learn along the way with the life made breaks in daily systematic colonicing are many interesting bits of information about the body's shifts in behavior. So her body utilized nighttime to release instead of the colonic, so the allotment of volume of feces being use to evacuating during a 24 hr. period, chose this way with the colonics not being available. Also she cut back on the amount of herbal cleansers with the breaks, which is wise without availability of colonics. So she will pick back up on routine with cleansers and colonics now for a 5 day a week colonic and as you read the 15th colonic blog, her body was just starting to get into very dark and old very dead smelling feces. Approximately the last 5. This series of 15 which will be removing another year of old feces will be into the much older feces, spiraling down into the deep caverns of the bowel and the body cavity such as organs and cellular levels. The needs have changed at this point, because the work the body needed to do for the first 15 series is now done, never needing it done again, the body moves forward to do the next need, this will be very interesting. This women has already made the decision to do the whole protocol 15 x age = amt. of colonics. With that commitment her higher self will direct the downloading functions of her body in all levels and the timing it takes for certain downloads to occur. This is true science, and we observe, witness and document. Over the years when people make these commitments the same shifts will occur, but the timeline is dependent upon the individuals needs (order of priority) that only the higher self can dictate, no human being can do this job for another human being ever in any healthcare situation. This is how God set it up, NO VIOLATION OF FREE WILL!!!!!