Thursday, March 6, 2014
2nd Series, 15th Colonic for D
3/6/14 D had a very Good colonic today. She advised me that she is having huge releases on the toilet approximately, 3 to 5x per day, so the pace is stepping up. Remember her bowel was very spastic, so pushing into the protocol was slow and challenging needing to be done slowly and in stages. She still can only take 75% of the herbal cleansers after 2 series, that is good for her, she is walking thru very nicely. The colonics do not release large volumes of feces instead pieces of very old, furry, and gloomy things that are just as deadly. The skin around her eyes are becoming very light and white instead of very dark upper lids and below eyes. This change is fascinating to watch over time. I see this change often in people, it really does reflect the kidney function and in these days with so much solvents and poisons, the liver and kidneys are working way to hard, and so connected to the old poisoned feces. So we do know for a certainty that colonicing daily really does reduce the stress on those organs quickly, which to me is an absolute Miracle in Progress and one we can easily do for ourselves thru practicing Natural Internal Hygiene in our personal lives!