Friday, March 21, 2014
Training session for D, Death Cycle!
3/20/14 The body has really gone into a deep death cycle, this is a common occurrence throughout the whole process of cleaning the entire bowel systematically. When you go to another deeper layer, then once it passes out the colonic tube to the sewer where it belongs, then the health level that you plateau into is a stable peaceful place. This cannot ever be reached in the consciousness without the low vibration of the death feces released from the body. Yes, there are more to come until the job is completed over some time but each death cycle released brings us once step closer to pure peacefulness and absence of the presence of the death that is living in our bodies. Since we eat each day, the only way we get thru and ahead of the old feces is by daily colonics, and then the door opens wide and it just pours out, screaming with thankfulness!