Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Ready to install home unit for D
3/19/14 During her 2 training session, the timing is perfect with her body. She is emotionally and mentally ready to do this responsibility of "Natural Internal Hygiene" for herself which is in alignment with the truth!!! We rejoice for this for her life! What indicates this is her body has stepped up a big step or notch into a deeper release from the body cavity, many layers to move thru. The bowel is finally releasing consistently older darker volumes of feces instead of just stringy wormie balls. Now during each colonic and 4 to 5 times on the toilet at home. She said she can tell by her body movements as she releases that it is coming from deeper places now. Remember this women is a modality body worker as well as highly intuitive and does do her very deep layers of work with her emotional and mental bodies which with all this together the colonics are just throwing this connected waste right out of her body!!! Integrative work is key! Without "DEEP" COLONIC AND ORGAN CLEANSING THE OTHER MODALITIES DO NOT GET THE SAME RESULTS RENDERED AS WHEN THE BODY IS IN SINK AND BEING ALLOWED TO OPEN THE ANUS DOOR AND LET IT ALL OUT!!! Just like cleaning your house all the way or half/assed! No pun intended! the orchestra is playing now!!!