Saturday, April 27, 2013
11th colonic for M
Colonic 11. M was intending to do a Gallbladder and Liver flush late last nite, and start her day with a very early colonic bringing that debris and download out in colonic. Instead, there was no G&L flush, so her early morning colonic was a very nice and steady download, with a very hydrating affect on her making a wonderful day for her energy to spring back after a pretty tough week. There are many unique aspects of health that the colonic will bring in for the human body. Alot of nice surprises that can be accomplished in 45 minutes in your own home or in your local area without going into a spa for a whole week or day! Perks up your body daily!!!!!!! Thankful for the utilization of this precious information abount NATURAL INTERNAL HYGIENE, the feminine side of healthcare!