Thursday, April 18, 2013
1st colonic for Y
Colonic 1.Wonderful 1st colonic in this series of 15. Of course, because Y has been doing previous work internally, we are reaping those benefits already. No worms today, but a 15 inch all in one "vegetarian poop" came thru along with very many fragmented pieces. Very comfortable and a hodge podge of things. When I have witnessed this kind of matter, it's beyond a regular piece of poop or even an older darker and hard poop. It's already into a form like I refer to as things you would see on the bottom of the sea, very different, and this is seen with clients that have been diagnosed by their doctors with cancers, crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome. Of course this women has not had regular bowel movements all her life. We have a saying about very yeastie and mucousy bowels, that is,"everybody with cancer has large amounts of this matter always", but "not everybody with this has cancer yet"! Time of storing this and the body having to deal with it without releasing it thru colonics is soooooooo dangerous, there is no way to change the drastic situation. Obviously the situation can be shifted with incorporating some better living habits, but do not confuse that shift with a totally healing, it's just a managing shift. When you see the amounts of crap come thru that tube every 24 hrs., you realize that great energy received is an absolute effect from removing the cause!!!!! how blessed we are, and this girl has certainly been looking and working toward getting the results for real!