Thursday, April 11, 2013
4th colonic for M
Colonic 4. M is doing well, this colonic is very moderate still, she has had mentrual complications that I am not sure about. Having dealt with thousands of females, the understnding is not here yet. New information is that she was raised around horses barns and foundry manufacturing for the first decade plus of her life. The fatty tissue resembles that of heavy metal storage in the fatty tissue, have witnessed this before even with myself, and have downloaded it with wonderful results. Truth always reveals itself, and time as we continue will bring this revelation into play!! Patience! Sunasis does come into play instantly when ready. This female is in her forties. I suppose I will give more background information and not forfiet privacy issues. Taking herbal cleansers up now and also adding Natural Vegetable Glycerine to the dynamic, as it may help to chelate the heavy metals thru a one cell wall, downloading it into the bowel and out the body, it will be flourescent and smell like skunk! Amen!