Saturday, April 20, 2013

3rd colonic for Y

Colonic 3. Wow, very very little release. Another receive colonic. When clients have very few bowel movements, 1 a week, or so, they will be releasing like crazy by day 2 and the herbal cleansers kicking in. This is day 3, but remember she has had 6 previous colonics. Also she is taking 8 cleansers in the morning and 8 at nite, we top off at 10 2x a day! Still her transverse colon is becoming full and swelling up, so the release is evidently really getting close. I would have to say this reminds me of the "balled up worm" activity from past observations. They die and ball up and it's like delivering a small baby!!!!!!If I was placing a bet on this delivery, it's not poop as much as it is parasites!!!!!The truth will reveal it's self, that is a sure bet!!!!!