Monday, April 8, 2013
15th colonic for A
Colonic 15. Very good release is going to another level after 15 colonics and 2 G&L flushes. Older non-poop looking feces are releasing which are involved with the yeast community. It is very important to understand that yeast soley exists in order to protect the body from solvents that are so hot they actually burn when releasing from the rectum during the colonics, especially after so many colonics, and the odor and pain come thru at the same timne, which teaches the person what is really going on with the cause and affect connection of the solvents. A said that the day after flush, even though the release for hours was very good, the body hit a wall with the blockage of stuff, for over 12 hours until a very hard plug released and then the flood came thru! A says that it feels just like straight acid is coming out and burning the anus. This would have to be the release of the odorless oil based paints that she has used for 20+ years. The nodules on the joints on either side sacrial center are becoming very small and disappearing. This is evidence as we observe and witness these changes on and in the body. A has decided to continue taking the large doses of herbal cleanser as the bowel continues to download large volumes of old feces and progress with the process of coming into new life, leaving the old behind!