Wednesday, April 17, 2013

8th colonic for M

Colonic 8. M is releasing in a fashion known as sludging. This is where the herbal cleansers and hydration on a consistent basis has gotten into the entire bowel system and the feces are broken down very nicely just like what digestive enzymes would do. But we have broken down large volumes of feces faster. Now the body will be able to illiminate larger volumes of feces easier and more comfortably. Body is working easier and M is happier. Less labor. When the body adjusts to this simplicity of function, you have learned important information that you will never forget. This new consiousness and programing is a better way and will be the preference and practiced innately. Leaving one practice for a more excellent way. Leaving the volkswagon for a Ferrari! M will never go back because she knows now how to take care of herself.