Sunday, April 28, 2013
8th colonic for Y
Colonic 8. This colonic was a very good relese across the transverse colon, which has been very full and not releasing during colonics for several days. So what the priority release this colonic was fresh feces came thru very consistently and moderately, still no gush release that one would expect. No worms, but they are in there because of release during colonic 1 and 2, we saw them. Also NO stones or green or yellow colored water that would be the normal release having done the G&L flush!!!! We most likely will see them during the next 2 colonics. So they are in the bowel behind the plug that still is inside the upper lower intestine area. Y was very relaxed and felt relieved after colonic. She stated that she had anxiety before the colonic, I reminded her from the charts that the heart reflexology point in the bowel is on left side of transverse colon/splenix flexure area which is where the bowel seems to be twisted or deformed in some way that the feces are being held up there. So that would make sense that she was somewhat anxious thru todays cleansing, and also relieved of that anxiety during the colonic. We always seem to locate those problem areas in the bowel during the 15 series. It is a wonderful opportunity for clients to become aquainted with their own bodies as they really should be for the benefits are abundant with this knowledge. With understanding, fears leave therefore peace and healing can be accessed!