Friday, April 19, 2013
2nd colonic for Y
Colonic 2. Y's system is moving slow, not unusual, much needed for thyroid support, which will support the entire metabolic rate for the systems and organs. Y has not had consistent periods all her life, and has not had a period at all since January 2013, so 3 months. The body is building it's momentum slowly, but is coming. Today was a receive colonic, the body was demanding hydration so that is what it got. During a 15 series it is very common for the body to have 3 or so receive colonics. Remember, the body is working hard internally, breaking up hard feces, dealing with colonies of worms and various other type of parasites, solvents and emotional tramas. It is lining up for all these departures in intervals and it will snowball very soon. She is taking 8 cleansers in morning and 8 cleansers at nite,and still not really pooping on toilet or in colonic like most series go. But this is not uncommon either, having worked on thousands of clients over the years. This story is about to unfold!!!!!!! stay tuned in to this body!!!!! Emotions are good!