Sunday, April 7, 2013
15th colonic for A
Colonic 15. This was a great series. A did a fabulous job of letting go and going into the direction of awareness and evolution in all body! 1st the release was greenish white with alot of mucous or yeastie matter. this means that the colonics are getting into the deeper matter, that is produced by the body as protective mechanism, the buffer for the body, between the parasites, solvents, and body. The buffer is for protection and the body does produce yeast for this purpose. That is why thinking that you can get rid of yeast is not even a valid thought. The body will not stop producing it until the parasites and solvents are cleaned up environmentally, through bowel cleansing. We should be thankful for the higher intelligence of the body in its ability to self protect. Clean up the garbage and the yeast will go! A also began to understand that when the odor of chemical existed during a bowel release, that her anus felt heat and a burning sensation. The chemical would have to be tied into the odorless oil paints that was used for at least 20 years on a regular basis. Now releasing systematically! The information is always given to the individual, connections are made and cause and affect memories are made. I have personally experienced this and this connection is witnessed by all that does this work and protocal. The points on her body that would manifest the toxins are releasing in size and these points are becoming normal again. It is interesting to watch each individual find and read the signs on the topical body parts that vasillate with the internal shifts that occur with the systematic cleansing of the organs, systems, and bowel. This is real science, evidence through experience in the moment of awareness and cousiousness!!! Thank you for the truth and the opportunity for authentic realization!!!!!!