Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Gallbladder and Liver flush upsets the Tapeworm!
This information is based upon a female 37 name is D. After doing 9 colonics over 2 weeks almost straight away, she decided to do the G&L flush. Everything went down fine but by morning she was extremely drowsey and throwing up. After doing hundreds of these myself and thousands over the years on the clients that chose to do these throughout their 15 series of colonics, I have only witnessed this behavior resulting only several times. All information researched and based in the Bio-energy machine field always lead us to tapeworm involvement! the tapeworm literally spits the flush right back up the GI track,so you throw it up! They hate it, its not sweet sugar!!! As D was on the colonic table at 7:15 a.m. getting relief thru the colonic release, she began to tell stories from memories in childhood, as if the internal cleansing was starting the mental release chain reaction! When D was 6 and 7 years old she was always digging in the cabinets of her kitchen looking for bags of sugar to eat all she could! Even when she would spend the nite over at friends, she would be seeking the sugar in the kitchen cabinets there also, in the middle of the nite!!!!! This is the parasites communicating to the host, exactly what they want, and you will provide it!!!! It makes me wonder if this worm could have a connection with diabetes. This child did not look overweight and ate in secret. Her testosterone levels became so high as a young adult, that she did stop getting her period for years, and was asked by her doctors if she had diabetes in the history of the family! She drew no connections with this information. I wonder will her testosterone levels drop, will she get her period again, will her pancreas function become more efficient? Well as we work thru the next year we may find the truth's revelation into this situation because this tapeworm will have to leave, we do know how to do this job. We'll keep you posted. We will be starting with Barley Green 4 tbsp. per day, sections will start falling off and we will get to the scolex eventually. Digestive enzymes are best for tapeworm removal, it just eats their body up!!!!!